Slides Framework
  • Mission

  • Build Trustworthy AI Generalist for Critical Applications at Scale.

    Director: Ding Zhao, Carnegie Mellon University.

Research Projects

  • Trustworthy AI Generalist

    Capability to generalize to unseen environments.

  • AI Safety

    Make decisions with critical constraints.

  • Critical Digital Twins

    Generative AI with insuffice data.

  • Physical AI

    Apply AI to transportation and healthcare.


  • By combining the fundamentals of AI with engineering domain knowledge, I'd like to cultivate a new generation of professionals leveraging AI to empower a broad range of industries.

    My decade-long goal is to cultivate 10 future professors, train 100 industry professionals through sponsored projects, and educate 1,000 students in the classrooms with diverse backgrounds to lead the transformative change when applying intelligent autonomy to critical industries. I am 70% x 78% x 58.4% away from the goal. See our Alumni Page.

  • 24-784 Trustworthy AI

    Fundamental course in the CMU AI Engineering curriculum
    Focus on creating safe and generalizable AI.
    The most sought-after course in the program.
    Uses in autonomous vehicles, robotics, and medical diagnostics.

    Media Syllabus
  • iPhones Thumbnail
  • 24-677 Modern Control for Robotics

    Essential course for robotics and control specialization
    Optimal, stochastic, and adaptive control based on models.
    Fundamental principles for robotics and reinforcement learning.
    Uses in autonomous vehicles and drones.

    Media Syllabus
  • iPhones Thumbnail
  • 82-183 AI for Humanities

    A first-of-its-kind pioneering course
    Investigating the synergy between AI and the Arts/Humanities.
    Instructed by a diverse team of engineers, artists, and social scientists from four CMU colleges.
    Uses in movie production, evaluating AI-created art, and designing with a focus on human needs.

    Media Syllabus
  • iPhones Thumbnail


Ding Zhao

Ding Zhao

Associate Professor and Dean's Early Career Fellow Professor
Mechanical Engineering Department | Computer Science Department
Robotics Institute | CyLab Security & Privacy Institute | Wilton E. Scott Institute for Energy Innovation

Accelerated Evaluation of Automated Vehicles , University of Michigan, advised by Huei Peng

Provost’s Inclusive Teaching Fellows Award, IEEE George N. Saridis Best Transactions Paper Award, George Tallman Ladd Research Award, MIT Technology Review 35 under 35 Award in China, National Science Foundation CAREER Award, Ford University Collaboration Award, Qualcomm Innovation Award, Carnegie-Bosch Research Award, Struminger Teaching Award

Current Members | Alumni

Xingyu Liu

Xingyu Liu

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Embodied AI, Robotics, Computer Vision

Peide Huang

Peide Huang

PhD Student

Environment Co-Evolving AI Generalists

Zhepeng Cen

Zhepeng Cen

PhD Student

Safe AI with Multi-Modal Input

Diana Gomez

Diana Gomez

PhD Student

Fairness of Multi-Modal AI Generalists

Haohong Lin

Haohong Lin

PhD Student

Causal Reasoning of Foundation Models

Yaru Niu

Yaru Niu

PhD Student

Robot learning, multi-agent system, reinforcement learning, AI safety

Miao Li

Miao Li

PhD Student

Gerative AI, Privacy-aware Learning

Yihang Yao

Yihang Yao

PhD Student

Safe Reinforcement Learning, Robot Learning

Yuyou Zhang

Yuyou Zhang

PhD Student

Intelligent robots for acute care

William Jongwon Han

William Jongwon Han

PhD Student

Generative AI, digital twin of human

Changyi Lin

Changyi Lin

PhD Student

Physical AI for critical applications

Yihan He

Yihan He

Master Student

Motion planning, Trajectory prediction

Sameer Bharadwaj

Sameer Bharadwaj

Master Student

AI for healthcare

Azmat Hassan

Azmat Hassan

Master Student

Autonomous vehicle, ventures capital


Doctors of Philosophy

K12 students


Master students

Postdocs and Research Fellows

  • Media

    Our work has garnered attention from media outlets such as the New York Times, TIME, Telegraph, and Wired.

    • Talk
    • AI for Humanities
    • Lab Intro
    • Video Thumbnail
    • Video Thumbnail
    • Video Thumbnail

  • Opportunities

    Positions are available for postdocs, PhDs, CMU master and undergraduates, and visiting students.

    Our PhD students play an active role in recruiting new members. Feel free to contact the member to whom you believe you would be a valuable collaborator.
